Cosmetic, family and implant dentistry


List of our Services.

Why Get Dentures?

Missing teeth can negatively affect eating, speaking, and the aesthetics of your smile. They also can also cause your jaw to lose bone mass, your remaining teeth to shift, and your face to suffer alterations in appearance. Perhaps most importantly, missing teeth mar the beauty of your smile and take away your ability to smile and laugh freely.

Dentures restore the look and function of your smile, are custom-crafted just for you, and are easy to maintain. Today’s dentures are natural-looking, more comfortable than ever, and last for decades with proper care. If you are missing one or more teeth, you should look into dentures as a long-term solution, as well as alternatives such as dental bridges and dental implants.


Types of Dentures

If you are a candidate for dentures, we have years of experience crafting custom dentures to help patients speak, eat, and smile with confidence. As an alternative to dentures, we also offer dental implants. Read more about dentures below, or contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Full & Partial Dentures

There are many types of dentures, each designed to remedy specific dental problems. If you are missing only a few teeth, partial dentures may be a great choice for you. If you are missing more teeth, complete dentures may be needed. Complete dentures can only be fitted after any remaining teeth are extracted and the gums have healed.

We also offer immediate dentures, upper and lower dentures, and over dentures.

  • Immediate dentures are placed immediately after any remaining teeth are extracted, and may need to be adjusted later as your gums heal. Only certain patients are candidates for immediate dentures.

  • Upper dentures replace your upper teeth only, while lower dentures replace only your lower teeth.

  • Over dentures use one or more of your remaining teeth for support. The advantage of this type is greater stability when chewing.

Implant-retained dentures lock onto dental implants for more stability and easier care.